Kingsburg Veterinary Clinic
K-Laser Therapy
K Laser Therapy makes use of lasers with different wavelengths of light. They are more diffuse and lower powered for deep tissue penetration.
K Laser Therapy makes use of lasers with different wavelengths of light. They are more diffuse and lower powered for deep tissue penetration.
The effectiveness of laser therapy has been very well established, through photobiomodulation energy is delivered by the laser causes a complex series of cellular reactions whose end results is reduce inflammation and promote tissue healing and regeneration.
K Laser Therapy – Applications
In small animal medicine the laser has been highly effective for treating diseases such as chronic ear infections, major wounds that have to be treated open, certain skin conditions like pyoderma and acral lick granulomas, urinary problems, ligament and tendon injuries, back pain, arthritis, post soft tissue and orthopedic surgery site inflammation and a host of other injuries and diseases. In many cases, patients were able to stop taking NSAIDs following laser therapy. In conjunction with standard medical therapy, laser treatment can greatly speed up healing and dramatically reduce recovery time.
K Laser Therapy – Treatment Details
Most treatment regimes involve a course of 5 treatments over a 2-3 week period. A treatment takes 5-10 minutes, is non-painful and is well tolerated by our patients. When used appropriately there are no known significant side-effects. Laser therapy is extremely affordable and is often less expensive than conventional therapy.